Psychedelic Drugs for Psychiatric Diagnoses

Find out why this field is booming. The industry report is 40 pages and holds 14K words, 10 graphs, and over 170 unique hyperlinked references to articles (this does not include links to company websites). The excel file holds 18 parameters for 344 clinical trials registered through 2022. We do not compile all trials of ketamine for depression, as there are over 200 trials in this category. Both the report and the excel file are segregated by drug, and sometimes by diagnosis.

Numerous journalists and bloggers have written articles describing trends for one psychedelic drug or summarized the outcomes of one trial. This report is a comprehensive summary that covers all the research through the end of 2022 for all the psychedelic drugs that are in trials. The only restriction is a focus on trials that may lead to US FDA approval, but within that focus we cover trials in multiple countries. In addition to tracking research trends, the report also summarizes the key publications about trial outcomes. Attempts are made to forecast where there are opportunities in this field.

Target audiences for this report:

  • Researchers who want a complete summary of prospective trials to date, including pharmacology studies.
  • Analysts who want to compare the progress of different drugs for the same diagnosis.
  • Investors that want to know which companies have made substantial progress on their trial pipelines, and/or which companies have promising starts with a novel product.
  • Pharma companies and vendors active in supplying these clinical trials.
  • Journalists reporting on the psychedelic space.

For each clinical trial in the accompanying excel spreadsheet, we list these 18 parameters: 

  • Trial Parameters
    • year and month of the trial registration
    • trial ID
    • link to the trial description on-line 
    • country where the research is being conducted
    • phase of the trial
    • status of the trial as of Dec 2022
  • Patient Data
    • diagnostic indication
    • age ranges of patients
    • target enrollment (this is actual enrollment for completed trials)
  • Therapy Parameters
    • drug being tested
    • route of drug administration 
    • dose of drug and number of repetitions
    • concurrent treatments
    • primary outcome measure
  • Sponsor Data
    • names of sponsors and collaborators
    • alternate trial ID, if any
    • product name, if any
  • Outcomes Data 
    • published research papers or press releases are listed for selected trials


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