Cell and Gene Therapy CMO and CDMO Facilities

Searchable and sortable database of 283 Cell and Gene Therapy CMOs / CDMOs worldwide as of Dec. 2023, including 215 companies and 68 academic or government facilities.

This is a global database of facilities that provide (mostly or exclusively) services as contract manufacturing organizations (CMO) and/or contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMO) for the cell and gene therapy industry worldwide.

Included: Manufacturers of therapeutic cell products (unmodified or gene-modified), iPS cell lines for therapeutic products, viral vectors and DNA plasmids for cell and gene therapy industry.

Excluded: Contract research organizations (CROs) not performing manufacture of the therapeutic product, vendors of supplies (reagents, devices, etc.) 

For each company:

  • Facility name
  • Link to facility website if available
  • Country of origin
  • CMO/CDMO service expertise
  • Mergers & Acquisitions, Notes
  • The excel file has separate lists for CMO/CDMO that are Industry versus Academic/ Government facilities.

Our latest release Dec. 2023 holds 283 CMO/CDMO, including 215 companies and 68 academic or government facilities, with the following updates: 
- organizations added: 24 (22 industry and 2 academic/govt) 
- organizations removed: 2 due to acquisition (SIRION Biotech, Forge Biologics) 
- changes due to merger/acquisition : 4
- changes in company name/web-site: 3
- changes in service expertise: 1

Our last release May 2023 held 261 CMO/CDMO, including 195 companies and 66 academic or government facilities, with the following updates: 
- organizations added: 26 (21 industry and 5 academic/govt) 
- organizations removed: 1 due to acquisition (Genopis) 
- changes to category: 1 moved from industry to academic/govt (NecstGen) 
- changes in company name/web-site: 10 
- changes in service expertise: 2