CAR-Immunotherapy Companies

Global database of 292 CAR-Immunotherapy (not just CAR-T) companies as of April 2022. 

For each company:

  • Company name
  • Link to company website if available
  • Country of origin
  • Phase of development (preclinical or clinical)
  • Type of cell products
  • Cell donor type - Auto/Allo
  • Key partner or licensee/licensor

Inclusions: All companies worldwide with CAR-Immunotherapy assets or programs (wholly owned, licensed or co-developed) in any stage of development (from preclinical to commercial).

Exclusions: Database does not contain information about vendors to CAR companies (manufacturers of reagents, materials, and devices) or service providers.

Updates from Nov. 2020 to April 2022:

  • 292 companies total
  • 55 companies added
  • 1 company removed
  • 9 changes in company name/website
  • 44 changes to key partners/licensee/licensor
  • 21 changes in type of cells developed
  • 9 changes to donor type
  • 13 updates to phase of development
  • 4 changes to country of origin

This pie chart image dates from January 2020

source material used by 203 CAR companies March 2020

Updates from March 2020 to Nov. 2020:

  • 238 companies total
  • 36 companies added
  • 1 company removed (Unum Tx is dissolved)
  • 4 changes in company name/website
  • 11 changes to key partners/licensee/licensor
  • 5 changes in type of cells developed
  • 2 changes to donor type
  • 10 updates to phase of development

Updates from Sept 2019 to March 2020:

  • 203 companies total
  • 25 companies added
  • 4 companies were removed (due to mergers/acquisitions)
  • 16 changes in company name/website
  • 18 changes to key partners/licensee/licensor
  • 16 changes in type of cells developed
  • 2 updates to phase of development

Updates from Jan 2019 to Aug 2019:

  • 187 companies total
  • 20 companies added (including 10 from China)
  • 1 company removed (Vor BioPharma - no CAR cell assets in development as was claimed previously)
  • 2 companies changed name (Toolgen merged with Genexine, Conckwest/Nantkwest re-branded to ImmunityBio)
  • 4 changes to key partners/licensee/licensor
  • 1 update to phase of development
  • 3 changes in type of cells developed

Updates from Aug 2018 to Jan 2019:

  • 168 companies total
  • 19 companies added
  • 1 company removed (Novartis acquired Endocyte)
  • 6 changes to key partners/licensee/licensor
  • 3 update to phase of development

Original file posted Aug 2018: 150 companies (63 in China and 87 in other countries).

Attachment Size
SAMPLE CAR-Immunotherapy Co's worldwide 10.24 KB