Advanced Cell Therapy Trials 2023

Package of ALL advanced cell therapy trials listed on 15+ international registries during 2023 holds 19 columns of data for 716 trials.

Excel File Columns

  • Trial Data
    • Registration Month
    • Registration Year
    • Trial ID with link to trial on-line
    • Country
    • Phase
    • Status (at registration)
  • Cell Data
    • Type of therapy: Immunotherapy or Regenerative
    • Cell Type
    • Cell Source
    • Route of Administration
    • Cell Dose
  • Patient Data
    • Indication
    • Donor Autologous or Allogeneic
    • Target Enrollment
    • Patient Age Groups
  • Sponsor Data
    • Academia or Industry Funding
    • Sponsor Name and any Collaborators
    • Alternate Trial ID (if any)
    • Product Name (if any)
Attachment Size
SAMPLE advanced cell therapy trials 2023 16.42 KB